If you explore a bit the different social network accounts, you can notice that some contents are similar on the different platforms. But you can also notice that some original contents are from other countries.
Thus, if we compare a social network page in a country with another equivalent from an other country, we can see that there are similitudes and differences.
It is kind of logical because Innocent has subsidiaries in several countries. Also, you can see on their website - here - pictures of the different social networks publications in different countries. You can see that a lot of those pictures are in French, because the community managers in France are rather active on social networks. Thereby we can wonder, who is recycling contents from who...
We can infer that the different offices are linked but not dependent to the headquarter.
Let's take for example the UK and French Facebook accounts.
UK FB : 568 660 fans /
Description : "Hello. We make healthy drinks and give 10% of our profits to charity" /
Publications frequency : every three day or once a week
FRENCH FB : 182 917 fans /
Description : "100% natural drinks. And funny jokes (success rate : 82,99%) /
Publications frequency : everyday or every two days
Both pages, share jokes contents (text content or images), sometimes they use the same visuals or phrases adapted to the country.
But the UK page is more about charity issues of the brand, jokes on the English actuality (English humour?) and than French's is with jokes.
The description of each page clearly set it by the way.
The French page shares only jokes or funny images. The only communication about charity of for their annual Christmas charity for which they communicate a lot because they need the contribution of people.
As you can see, all the publications are way liked, commented, and shared. people play their game on comments and the community managers keep going by answering with new jokes related to the topic.